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Karbala University discusses a Diploma Research about The Effect of Administrative Empowerment in Achieving Strategic Agility

The Effect of Administrative Empowerment in Achieving Strategic Agility

An analytical survey of the opinions of leaders working in the Directorate of Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism in Wasit Governorate 

A letter presented to the Council of the College of Administration and Economics /     University of Karbala     


Faez Turki Ogaili

Supervisor  asst.Adel Abbas Abd Hussein Al-Janabi

  The study seeks to test the impact of administrative empowerment in achieving strategic agility, as the main problem of the study revolves around the intellectual debate of researchers and performance problems in the Directorate of intelligence and counter-terrorism in Wasit, which translated a set of questions based on the researcher’s perception, the most important of which was : what is the impact of administrative empowerment in  In order to reach the objectives of the study, a hypothesis was designed that explains the nature of the relationship between administrative empowerment in its five dimensions (communication and information sharing , motivation , task forces , delegation of authority , And training) and strategic agility in its five dimensions: (strategic sensitivity , intrinsic capabilities , clarity of vision , choice of strategic objectives , A set of hypotheses has been built to know the nature and direction of the relationship between administrative empowerment and strategic agility, and the resolution has been relied on as a key tool for collecting data from the study sample (Directorate of intelligence and counter-terrorism in Wasit governorate) as the study community, which is the same as the study sample of all officers working in (Equation Modeling) to measure impact relationships, these methods have been used by the statistical program (SPSS, V.23,  Microsoft Excel 2010, AMOS v.23).  The study came up with a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the high level of study variables (administrative empowerment and strategic agility) in the Directorate sample study. And there is a correlation and influence relationship between management empowerment and strategic agility in general, as well as a correlation and influence in the sub-dimensions between the dimensions of management empowerment and strategic agility and its axes.

       The study resulted from a series of recommendations , the most important of which was that the Directorate sample study should increase attention to the variables of the study by educating its personnel, especially officers, with all matters related to the variables of the study (administrative empowerment and strategic agility) and the nature of the reality of these variables and their dimensions in the Directorate sample study, and this can be achieved through a number of mechanisms, the most important of which is the holding of seminars and workshops to open the room for dialogue and to indicate the most important obstacles affecting these variables and their dimensions while hosting the competent and relevant

Keywords: administrative empowerment, strategic agility.