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The role of knowledge maps in supporting talent management

The role of knowledge maps in supporting talent management
Analytical study in a sample of private hospitals in the Holy Karbala Governorate
A letter submitted to the Board of the College of Business and Economics / University of Karbala, which is part of the requirements for obtaining a master’s degree in Business Administration Sciences

Forqan Hadi shpip
Supervised by
Prof.Dr. Faisal Alwan Al-Tai.


    This study sought to know the role that knowledge maps in their dimensions in support of talent management, as the problem of the study revolves around the intellectual debate of researchers on the nature of the relationship between the variables within the intellectual level. A set of questions based on the researcher’s perceptions, the most important of which were: Do the workers in the researched hospitals realize the role that knowledge maps play in supporting talent management in light of the existing competitive challenges? In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a hypothesis diagram was designed that illustrates the nature of the relationship between the variables of the current study. A set of hypotheses was constructed to identify the level and nature of the relationships between the knowledge maps and talent management in the surveyed hospitals. The current study has used statistical packages (SPSS V.24) and j(Amos v.23) to arrive at the related results, the most important of which are (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, confirmatory factor analysis, stability of internal consistency) to test the reliability and reliability of the indexes. Standard deviation, the level of the answer, the intensity of the answer, the ordinal importance (of the statistical description, and (the simple correlation coefficient of Pearson, the equation of the structural modeling in a program to test hypotheses). And talent management in the areas of health, nursing and administration, then The study concluded with a set of recommendations related to the two variables, the most important of which was the necessity to pay attention to knowledge maps because of their role in supporting talent management by establishing a unit for knowledge maps within the human resource management department in hospitals, the study sample.

Keywords: Signs of individual knowledge, domain topic selection,  Inter-Domain Topic Association, Analysis talent Attract, talent development, talent performance management, talent retention.