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Decision making methods and classifying schools by using TOPSIS

Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology
Decision making methods and classifying schools by using TOPSIS
Ass. Prof. Mahdi Wahhab Neamah 
Asst. teacher Ali M. Alsukmany
Asst. teacher Bashar Khalled Ali
University of Karbala – College of Administration and Economics – Department of Statistics

In this paper, statistical methods and statistical programs were used in arranging and analyzing raw data to obtain criteria and weights that are used with geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis programs in determining the proposed school sites in the holy Karbala governorate, depending on several criteria, including (population, number of students, the number of classes, the distance of school from the street, the number of teachers). TOPSIS Method was used using Matlab and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the purpose of analyzing factors and restricting them to the main factors and knowing which factor is the most influential.
It was concluded that the geographic information systems (GIS) program has a great potential in the field of locating crowded schools through students and population preparation in order to determine the need to de-inflation in them as well as to prepare a strong geographical database, containing natural and human variables affecting the educational reality as well as the ability diagnosis of defects according to statistical methods such as the near neighbor and standard distance, and building educational databases aimed at ease of exchange and analysis of information. Schools were classified according to the school’s degree (primary, intermediate, secondary and High secondary) according to the importance of the TOPSIS method (of the utmost importance, the most important, the important and the least important) The percentages of schools with overcrowded were respectively obtained as follows (42, 11, 3, 7) from the total number of schools in the Karbala Governorate center.
Keywords: categorical data; make decision; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Classification of schools; TOPSIS