Financial performance and its impact on the market value of the bank (a Comparative analytical study for a sample of Iraqi and Jordanian commercial banks)

Hayder Abdullah Al-SuwayfeeProf. Abdul Hussein J. MohammedProf. Ali Ahmed Faris
2020, Volume 9, Issue 34, Pages 158-184


Abstract: The study aim to determine the impact of financial performance on the market value of the bank, and the study conduct in on listed of Iraqi and Jordanian commercial banks the sample of the include study (10) Iraqi banks and (10) Jordanian banks during the duration (2006-2015). Research variables were measured by the appropriate financial indicators for this study. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the study hypotheses were formulated and then tested by advanced statistical means. Reflects positively on the market value of Iraqi and Jordanian banks. The study concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which were the need for banks to be interested in building advanced and effective financial information systems that support investment decisions and their impact on financial performance such as expert systems and what-if systems.
