Organizational Failure and its Reduction Through Strategic Renewal

Wardah Albdukhaleq Albdurahman Alhamawndi
2020, Volume 9, Issue 35, Pages 147-175


Abstract strategic renewal is of great importance in leading of organizations and analyzing the environment according to a knowledge perspective to serve as the basis for identifying and exploiting the available opportunities, avoiding failure and proving a better position among competitors to achieve sustainable success among organizations.Objectives: To identify the role of strategic renewal in reducing organizational failure in Baghdad. To achieve this, the researcher has reached through several related studies to formulate hypotheses to determine the level of relationship and influence between the two previously mentioned variables. Research Methods: The researcher used the analytical approach that seeks to extract findings and recommendations based on the study of strategic renewal (independent variable) in four directions which are (exploration, entrepreneurship, investment opportunities, leadership participation) in addition to another four directions which representing the dependent variable organizational failure (cognitive failure, Structural failure, Informational Failure, Financial Failure).Research Sample: The research sample was consisted of 153 directors (department, division, and unit) of the administrative leaderships in the relevant governorate of Baghdad in diagnosing the reliance of the research organization on strategic renewal in avoiding organizational failure. A questionnaire was distributed to the research sample that including 43 items and the researcher used SPSS (version 23) as a statistical tool to analyze and process the data.Results: The research proved the hypothesis that there is a correlation and effect between research variables. The research concluded that the research organization is interested in renewing its strategies, which in turn creates great capabilities that can reduce the recurrence of organizational failure, especially if it continues to work in a sector that is more competitive. Also, recommendations were made in line with these conclusions.


Key words: Organizational FailureStrategic renewal