The role of financial technology in enhancing the effectiveness of financial inclusion

Zahraa jarullah hamou
2020, Volume 9, Issue 33, Pages 92-124


Abstract The study seeks to explore the role of financial technology in enhancing the effectiveness of financial inclusion. The study problem focused on a major question: Does financial technology have a role in enhancing the effectiveness of financial inclusion? The study assumed that there are correlations and impacts between financial technology and enhancing the effectiveness of financial inclusion. The study chose the Mosul Bank for Development and Investment as a community to implement the study, and its sample included (39) respondents from its employees, and the study used the descriptive and analytical approach to measure and complete its requirements, depending on the questionnaire as a main tool in data collection, and was analyzed through the statistical program (spss.Ver-19) The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: 1-That financial technology has an active role in enhancing the effectiveness of financial inclusion.2-There are significant correlations and effects between financial technology and its dimensions and between enhancing the effectiveness of financial inclusion. The study suggested that banks in general should pay attention to financial technology and its applications because of its importance in providing financial services, accessibility to them and their great role in enhancing the effectiveness of financial inclusion.