The role of the external auditor in evaluating performance to achieve sustainable development (Proposed framework for performance evaluation) (Applied research in the formations of the Iraqi Ministry of Education)

2019, Volume 8, Issue 29, Pages 222-241


The research aims at identifying the nature of sustainable development and the processof auditing and evaluating the sustainable performance and the auditing and controlstandards. The research aims to apply a process of sustainable auditing and evaluationon the research sample to show their contribution to achieving sustainable developmentby measuring the impact of the Ministry of Education activities on the dimensions andobjectives of sustainable development, The study reached a number of conclusions, themost important of which was the lack of financial allocations allocated to the Ministry ofEducation during the years of research. In 2017, it reached 1% of the total stateexpenditure. Of the rest of the ministries (such as defense, interior …. etc.), As theresearch found a number of recommendations, including the need to put the governmentwithin its policy priority of education and investment in human capital, to achieve thebenefit of the current generation and future generations to achieve sustainabledevelopment.