Unemployment in Iraq, the effects and treatments (An analytical study)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdulameer Naser HusseinProf. Dr. Raheem k. h.
2020, Volume 9, Issue 35, Pages 284-292


The aim of the research is to identify the problem of unemployment, its types, effects and methods of treatment, and find the most important ways to address the problem of unemployment in Iraq and reduce its social and economic effects in light of the available national potential. The study concluded that the economic policies that were an extension of the wrong policies in the previous decades, and the country’s wars and siege and occupation and the failure of governments after the occupation and the outbreak of financial and administrative corruption and led to the mechanism of waste of the country’s financial resources and lack of guidance for investment as well as high rate of population growth was from The main reasons for the spread of the problem of unemployment in the country. And that Iraq suffers from various types of unemployment and its effects in all aspects of economic, social, political and psychological, despite the decline in the unemployment rate after 2005, but remained at relatively high rates. The development of the agricultural sector, construction, construction and tourism, the creation of a plan for the development of small and medium industries, attention to education outputs and linking them to the labor market, as well as the development of the banking sector and facilitating procedures for obtaining loans


كلمات مفتاحية: البطالة في العراق و سبل معالجتها
