Administrative empowerment and its role in enhancing the value of the organization

fahum eaziz majidAsma hadi niemahdyr khiuwn eashur
2020, Volume 9, Issue 36, Pages 167-183


Abstract:The concept of administrative empowerment is based in its components on developing employees and giving them authority and authority to document the relationship between them and the organization in a way that stimulates their capabilities to provide new and innovative ideas that contribute to the service of their company. Managers give their employees powers to enhance confidence in their ability to take responsibility. The study also aimed to determine the extent of the impact of administrative empowerment in its dimensions on the sobriety of the value of the organization, and a questionnaire form was prepared from (36) questions that were distributed to a simple random sample of employees of commercial bank branches inside the city of Karbala. Encouraging employees to be creative, innovative and have a sense of belonging to the be creative and innovative and to feel a sense of belonging to the organization.