Distribution of oil wealth in the light of international experience and the possibilities of application in Iraq

2019, Volume 8, Issue 30, Pages 403-421


There is a great interest from studies and experts in economic affairs to manage the returns of natural resources and how to successfully employ them to achieve the economic prosperity and well-being of the people of the rich countries, where different strategies and models have been developed for the successful management of these wealth. Some have proposed the establishment of sovereign funds under various names for the province On this wealth for future generations and future generations in a manner that contributes to the growth and development of the economy and raise the standards of living and more welfare of its population.While others have put forward the model of direct distribution of natural Resources and oil wealth, especially to the population, which contributes to improve living standards and welfare of individuals. This model has been applied to many countries and states in our world today, the most famous a application successful of the US state of Alaska followed by the province of Alberta in Canada They used the model of direct distribution of oil wealth to the population, and regardless of ideas and opinions, the idea of establishing what can be called (the Iraqi Fund) represents the best, efficient and fair way to ensure the Iraqi people of enjoying wealth, especially the governments ruled after the change in 2003 failed to provide the simplest services and rights for this country, as well as the economic and social benefits that can be derived from supporting the consumption and spending capabilities of individuals, which in turn will form the foundation and