Privatization and its success in Iraq after 2003

Dr.. Abbas Ali MuhammadM. M Mustafa Abdullah MohammedJOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS
2019, Volume 8, Issue 30, Pages 357-379


The possibility of implementing privatization program in Iraq after 2003 is highly related with the availability of supported procedures associated with this matter. The success of process, such as provision by addressing all restrictions that impede its process, such as provision of essential services particularly electricity . in addition to provision the basic services and replacement of none progressive projects and then setting suitable solutions for unemployment issue .The second problem linked with indebtedness and compensation, where addressing this issue means freeing the Iraqi economy from a big burden which represented by the payments associated with that . Furthermore, the administrative corruption of public sector is one of the most challenger that hinder implementing privatization program through proving inaccurate data and information for public projects ownership which affect in reducing the revenues gained form this program. Therefore , adopting an active nation strategy is requested for facing consequences of corruption. It insures to succeed the economic reforms and privation in particular .