The possibility of adopting the principles of lean production in the service sector / a survey of the views of a sample of directors of health institutions in the Department of Health Nineveh

Abdul Aziz Bashar HaseebM. Bashar Ezz Al-DinDr. Ahmed Hani Al-Naami
2020, Volume 9, Issue 36, Pages 50-67


Abstract The current research aims to shed light on the possibility of adopting the principles of lean production in the service sector through an exploratory study of the views of a number of managers in health institutions of the Nineveh Health Department,These institutions provide healthcare services to the community, which are directly related to human health and safety. A theoretical framework about lean production philosophy will be presented using a variety of relevant sources. The field side has adopted a questionnaire prepared for this purpose, which has been distributed to managers for department, divisions and administrative units, and it was relied on the ready statistical program SPSS.V22. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most prominent of which is the possibility of establishing the principles of lean production for health institutions in the Nineveh Health Department, on the basis of which a set of proposals was presented that support the orientation of the research institutions to adopt lean production principles.Keywords: lean production, lean services, Value ,Pull , perfection.


Keywords: lean productionlean servicesValuePullperfection.