Estimation of the per capita consumption rate in the holy governorate of Karbala (main and luxury food commodities)

2018, Volume 7, Issue 27, Pages 189-208


The purpose of this research is to explain the importance of the agricultural sector in Iraq and to show its effects on GDP, national income and economic development, considering that the agricultural sector is one of the most pro-ductive sectors, which contributes directly or indirectly to support the Iraqi economy both in terms of providing food needs of the population or reducing the size of unemployment or Supply other sectors with their supplies of raw materials or in terms of protecting the Iraqi economy from exposure abroad. In this research, we note that Iraq depends on the outside to provide basic food requirements, ie, the inability of the agricultural sector to achieve food security despite the components to possess it. We note that Iraq relied on abroad in providing strategic commodities (rice and wheat), which led to in-creased national exposure In other words, imports outweigh the volume of exports.