Impact of IAS and IFRS on Stock Market Returns and reflection it on Investors Economic Decisions (Study in a sample of Iraqi banks)

Prof. Asaad Muhammad Ali WahhabMr. Karrar Salim HamidiM. Maher NajiJOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS
2019, Volume 8, Issue 32, Pages 154-177


The study aims to test the impact of the mandatory application of international accounting. and financial reporting standards in the Iraqi environment. through testing the impact of the application of those standards on the market returns of shares. and in the economic decisions of investors in a sample of Iraqi commercial banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange. The study included a period of three years before the application of the standards 2011-2013 and three years after the application of the standards 2016-2018.The study variables were measured based on the models developed by the relevant literature. A set of control variables were used (size, age, leverage, return on assets, return on equity), and many statistical methods were employed such as natural distribution test. In addition, correlation matrix and linear interference test as well as multiple regression analysis using SPSS statistical software.The results showed that there is no impact of the application of international financial reporting standards on the market returns of the shares or on the economic decisions of investors. The study recommends the need to educate dealers in the financial market the importance of the application of international standards. and accelerate the application of those standards to the rest of the financial market sectors. and review the local instructions are not consistent with international standards .