Improve processes in business organizations – Analytical study of the optimization tools used in some of the world

Improve processes in business organizations – Analytical study of the optimization tools used in some of the world –

maitham rabee hadinagham hussain neamanajood shaker hussain

2011, Volume 7, Issue 28, Pages 162-171


AbstractMechanism of Processes improvement in business Organizations- Analytic Study for improvement instruments used in some world Companies- Processes improvement concept refers to continuous process to improve the quality of commodities and services under the incisive competition and technological development. It is an advanced Stage of the process to manage and control the quality, where it indicates to devote all efforts of business organization to improve the quality and to achieve customer Satisfaction, but more than that; where to reach what called by “delighted customer “. It is necessary to participate all employees of organization on in the task of processes improvement and never consider it as specialized for just one technical department. There are number of instruments and ways which could be used by organization to resolve its problems and to improve its processes; where they assist to collect and interpret data to and to provide the required rationale for taking the decision. So, here, the Statistics could be used to draw diagrams with high and low limits which by one could be ensured that the production process is stabile and there is no deviations or oscillations. For all mentioned above , this study seeks to provide theoretical and applied concepts for a subject which has a direct touch with the organizations life and its survival ; which is the processes improvement and its role in maintaining competitive capability. This paper is reached to many conclusions, most important among is that processes improvement is enabling businesses to achieve competitive superior which is enable it to introduce superior add value for customer. This paper is reached also to many recommendations, most important among is businesses necessity to bearing it’s responsibilities in the respect of competitive superior by devote more continuous efforts to improvement. The businesses has perceived, due to emerging international markets and the growth of international competition, that accelerated competition speed is calling to the necessity of implementing continuous improvement programs.