The Effect of Managerial Ownership on indebtedness Percentages in Light Finical Characteristics and Ownership Structure Companies Case Study in Jordanian

The Effect of Managerial Ownership on indebtedness Percentages in Light Finical Characteristics and Ownership Structure Companies Case Study in Jordanian

Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-FadlAzhar Sobhi Al-Jubouri

2018, Volume 14, Issue 55, Pages 145-176


The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between administrative own-ership and indebtedness ratio to know whether administrative ownership has an important impact on determining the composition of the capital structure or not. __________________________________________________________________ الكلمات الافتتاحية: الملكية الإدارية، نسبة المديونية، هيكل الملكيةKey Word:Managrial Ownership , Debt Ratio, Ownership Equitsometimes, In the context of a set of financial characteristics of the company, and other times in the context of ownership structure companies as controlling variables for the be-havior of managers towards the indebtedness ratio. The study was conducted on a sam-ple of 87 companies registered by the ASE for the period 2010-2014. The results of the first hypothesis test were supported by the impact of the incentive to depend on on debt When the percentage of administrative ownership is low and supported by the impact of protection when the percentage of administrative ownership increases. The results of the second hypothesis test also supported the intellectual orientations of previous studies on the inverse relation between the concentration of administrative ownership and indebted-ness ratio, and the role of the ownership structure to effect on that relationship is depend on the premise of convergence of interests.