The impact of strategic agility on sustainable institutional performance (a case study in the Directorate of Electricity Distribution in the Holy Karbala Governorate with a survey of a sample of managers)

The impact of strategic agility on sustainable institutional performance (a case study in the Directorate of Electricity Distribution in the Holy Karbala Governorate with a survey of a sample of managers)

Dr. Aseel Ali MezherYasser Shaker Yasser

2018, Volume 14, Issue 55, Pages 210-239


The current research aims at finding the Effect of strategic agility on sustainable institutional performance . As organizations strive to achieve sustainable institutional performance and reach a competitive position, they must deal with strategic agility as a necessary wealth that can not be dispensed with under these rapid changes rather than as an option within a range of options . The research started from a major problem which was expressed in a number of intellectual and practical questions, including: (Are the officials in the electricity sector aware of the importance of the role played by strategic agility in achieving sustainable institutional performance? What is the level of strategic agility in the surveyed department and the level of institutional performance achieved?)) The questionnaire was used as a research tool and was prepared on the basis of the five-digit Likert scale. After presenting it to a group of arbitrators, the Cronbach’s alpha scale was used to ascertain its validity as a research tool. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of the 80 And 66 valid forms were recovered for analysis. In order to reach the results, the spss ver. 2010 program was used to measure correlation and Effect relationships. The results of the study included a number of conclusions, including that the strategic agility in the Directorate of Research has a multiple Effect on sustainable institutional performance, and recommended the need to enhance strategic agility in local institutions


Strategic agilitysustainable institutional performance .