Marketing capabilities and their role in supporting customer containment activities An analytical study of the opinions of workers in the marketing department of the men’s clothing factory in Najaf

Marketing capabilities and their role in supporting customer containment activities An analytical study of the opinions of workers in the marketing department of the men’s clothing factory in Najaf

Drgham Ali Musallam Al Amidi

2018, Volume 14, Issue 58, Pages 197-224


The purpose of the research to explore the role that marketing capabilities can play in supporting customer involvement activities, given that marketing capabilities play an important role in contributing to improving customer relations and achieving their requirements, as well as reaching new markets that enhance the competitiveness of organizations in the field of business. The research attempts to find solutions to the problem of not investing the marketing capabilities available in organizations appropriately, which negatively affects the involvement of customers . Three dimensions were adopted to measure the independent variable of marketing capabilities (Market sensing capability, market learning capability, market targeting capability). The research also relied on three dimensions to measure the dependent variable Customer involvement (Responsiveness, Fulfilment, Enjoyment). The men’s clothing factory was selected in Najaf as a field of research as one of the leading laboratories in the industrial sector. Since the subject of the research focuses on the marketing aspects in a large way, the questionnaire forms were distributed to the marketing department staff in the lab as a sample to search in a deliberate manner. For statistical analysis in order to reach the search results, , and tested the hypotheses of correlation and impact between the variables of research through the formulas and statistical means necessary for that showed the acceptance of hypotheses at the macro level and at the level of dimensions. The study concluded with a set of results based on the findings of the research, which pointed to the marketing capabilities that can contribute to the Customer involvement. The research recommended a set of recommendations, including the necessity of organizations to provide the appropriate regulatory conditions and procedures that enhance the development of their capabilities and marketing abilities, Widely.