The role of the basics of manufacturing systems in achieving efficiency and productivity effectiveness An applied study in the holy Karbala cement factory

The role of the basics of manufacturing systems in achieving efficiency and productivity effectiveness An applied study in the holy Karbala cement factory

Muhamad Trky abd Al-Abbas

2017, Volume 13, Issue 51, Pages 333-368


The Industrial sector in Iraq suffer the lack of the pillars intersection of efficiency and effectiveness in its work .This is obvious from the not ablate decision take of lower cost production ,the application of Production System has become a local demand in the light of the current variables ,since it saves the hardly ,Time , Cost , quickly .in the most transaction with the Operation production of the clear lack of Productivity sufficient knowledge of its aspects. The marginal productivity of both labour and capital appeared positive. The output responds highly to capital and weakly to labor. There are positive effects for intellectual capital and technical progress. The most important implication , it is beneficial for Iraqi private Karbala cement Factory to expand its Productivity and capacity.