Use of Fuzzy Bayesian Methods to Estimate Parameters of the Kibble-Bivariate Gamma Distribution

A thesis

Submitted to the council of the college of Administration &Economics\ University of Karbala as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master degree in Statistics Sciences

 Bent Al-Huda Saheb Katran Ateya

Asst. Prof.  Dr. Enas Abdul Hafedh Mohammed

Use of Fuzzy Bayesian Methods to Estimate Parameters of the Kibble-Bivariate Gamma Distribution

A thesis

Submitted to the council of the college of Administration &Economics\ University of Karbala as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master degree in Statistics Sciences

Bent Al-Huda Saheb Katran Ateya

Asst. Prof.  Dr. Enas Abdul Hafedh Mohammed