The Role Of Impression Management and their impact of Organizational Citizenship behavior

(An Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of the teachers in some government colleges in Baghdad )

The Council of the College of Administration and Economy-

University of Karbala

In Partial   Fulfillment of the Requirements   for   the   Degree   Of

Master in   Business   Administration


Karar Nazar Norri al-karawe

Supervised By

A.Pro  METHAK HATIF Al Fatlawi

The research seeks to detect the level of impression management in business in general and target sample in particular, and to know the degree of impact on the level of the behavior of organizational citizenship and, in particular, the teaching staff where the environment through the formulation of the problem fit the nature and importance of these subjects in the study of organizational behavior in business organizations in terms of dimensions that It includes the intellectual content of the work style of individuals within these organizations and the statement affected and their influence on the behavior of citizenship they have, and to achieve the objectives of the research and test the validity of assumptions have been derived from the use of a questionnaire ready modern standards foreign researchers have been developed to suit the Iraqi environment. the sample included (450) of teaching at four governmental college It was distributed (210) questionnaire, and recovered them was (121) questionnaire, which represented the sample were using a number of statistical methods for the analysis and testing of hypotheses, has revealed the search for colleges that sample study is concerned and mainly two dimension impression self-reinforcing management and privileged and this comes through comparison faculty performance with the results achieved in the light of the material and moral support to them, and impression management have a significant role in organizational citizenship behavior among a sample search at colleges surveyed (at the macro level) and also having a high accepts the research sample the direction of their practices for this behavior is, they engage in a high Some behaviors that are extending a helping hand to colleagues and others to avoid them difficulties and problems of work and not to grumble and complain and their having expressed the spirit of tolerance and patience as well as participations constructive immersion in the social life of the college. He recommended research to work to find some kind of convictions between the dimensions of impression management and organizational citizenship behavior for the purpose of finding a distinctive ethical culture as this conviction can achieve the best image when it is based on a true convictions from the presence of senior management and urged the various departments to adopt a style of dealing moral in their behavior daily with other individuals in order for others to deal ethically with their assigned work concepts and therefore the impact on the reputation that may Thoudy by the College.