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The College of Administration and Economics – University of Karbala Hosts a Lecture on Investment Opportunities and Sustainable Development in the Face of Climate Change

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As part of its efforts to enhance scientific awareness and stay updated on current economic and environmental issues, the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Karbala organized a scientific lecture titled “Investment Opportunities and Sustainable Development in the Face of Climate Change.” The lecture was held under the patronage of Assistant Professor Dr. Hashim Jabbar Al-Husseini, Dean of the College.

The lecture was delivered by Dr. Sadiq Hussein Al-Rikabi, an advisory expert at the Iraqi Advisory Board for Reconstruction and Development in London, who discussed the importance of investing in environmentally friendly sectors, the role of sustainable development in mitigating the effects of climate change, and provided an overview of successful international experiences in this field.

Dr. Al-Rikabi also addressed the investment opportunities available in Iraq to tackle climate challenges. He stressed the need to adopt economic strategies that enhance resource efficiency, encourage renewable energy projects, and stimulate the private sector to invest in sustainable environmental fields.

The lecture was attended by a distinguished group of faculty members, researchers, and students, who actively engaged through questions and discussions that enriched the topic and highlighted the practical aspects of investing in sustainable development.

At the conclusion of the lecture, the Dean of the College expressed his appreciation for Dr. Sadiq Hussein Al-Rikabi’s efforts in delivering this valuable lecture, reaffirming the college’s commitment to organizing more scientific events that promote knowledge and support academic research on economic and developmental issues of both national and global significance.