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The Role of Engineering Techniques Production Operations In Productivity Improvement Via the Moderated Effect Of Competitive Strategies

The Role of Engineering Techniques Production Operations In Productivity Improvement Via the Moderated Effect Of Competitive Strategies

 A field  and analytical study of the opinions of a sample of engineers Of The Company Erbil, (Al-Noura Factory in Holy Karbala

A Thesis

submitted to the Council of the College of Administration and Economics – University of Karbala It is part of the requirements for obtaining an PhD degree

Provided by the student

Mohammed Turki Abd aalabass

Supervised by

Prof. Dr                                                                       Ass. prof. Dr

Mahmoud Fahd  Al-Dulaimi                                                Adel Abbas Al-Janabi


The current study aims to review one of the most important contemporary cognitive transformations (Engineering Technique) in modern management thought to form an intellectual framework expressed in (the role of Engineering Technology Production operation  in improving productivity through the interactive impact of competitive strategies), as it is the most important source for achieving competitiveness and sustainability for companies. in the third millennium.

As the study came from a field problem, the weak capabilities of production technique engineering in reducing costs, and exploiting resources to enhance competitiveness. And do engineers realize the importance of production process engineering in building productivity improvement capabilities according to the priorities of strategic internal integration? And what is the role of (the interactive impact of competitive strategies in developing a model for integration between production process engineering and productivity improvement), as the study aimed to answer these questions from During the clarification of the intellectual implications of these variables as they are among the modern topics on the Iraqi environment, then the correlation and influence relationships and the possibility of their implementation in the application environment were tested. The administrative and technical levels of the company and we depend on the applied effort and the reality of formulating a work strategy to develop the production process engineering model within the framework of Ben A productivity improvement capabilities. To achieve this, a number of main hypotheses were formulated related to the relationship of correlation and the interactive effect between the variables. It was tested with a set of statistical means according to the programs (Spss, Amos, v23) using the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data and information from the study sample, supported by the analysis of the actual data.

Finally, the study came with intellectual and theoretical conclusions that characterize the reality of implementing the production process engineering model in a strategic framework, most notably the integration of the formulation of the operational strategy in building productivity improvement capabilities. The results showed that there is a statistically significant correlation between the study variables as well as the presence of a significant impact of competitive strategies in modifying the impact model of the production techniques engineering variable in improving productivity in this company. The study presented an important conclusion, which is that the Erbil Summit Company attaches modest importance to competitive strategies as an important means of transferring knowledge skills that enhance capacity building processes to improve productivity.

Key Words: Competitive Strategies, Engineering TechniquesProduction Operation, Productivity Improvement Capabilities.