You are currently viewing The effect of organizational socialization on functional outputs , self-efficacy as an interactive variable

The effect of organizational socialization on functional outputs , self-efficacy as an interactive variable

The effect of organizational socialization on functional outputs , self-efficacy as an interactive variable

“Analytical research for the opinions of a sample of  employees of the Electricity Transmission Company / Middle Euphrates”

Submitted to

The Board of College of Administration and Economics/ University of Karbala in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master in business management Sciences

by the student

Nihaya Obaid Mohsin Al-Taie

Supervised by

Professor Dr. Ahmed Kazim Baries Al- Taie


      The current research aims to test the effect of organizational socialization on job outcomes, through the interactive role of self-efficacy, based on the opinions of a sample of employees of the Electric Power Company / Middle Euphrates through the use of the analytical research method. In order to reach the objectives of the research, a hypothetical scheme was designed for research that determines the relationship between the independent variable, organizational socialization with its dimensions and the dependent variable, the functional outputs with its dimensions (situational outputs ((job satisfaction and organizational commitment)), behavioral outputs ((Helping behavior and audible voice))). The interactive variable is self-efficacy. For the purpose of clarifying the nature of the relationship that combines these variables, a set of main and subsidiary hypotheses was formulated and these hypotheses were tested after obtaining the necessary data from the field reality by relying on the questionnaire as the main tool for data collection, by distributing it to a random sample of individuals in a company Electricity / Middle Euphrates. Of them, (374) were valid questionnaires for statistical analysis with a response rate of (100%), of which (230) were for the new appointment, (24) for employees who were promoted, and (120) for employees who were transferred to the company

After conducting the statistical analysis of the data, which was done using a set of statistical methods and using the statistical programs (Excel) and the two statistical programs (SPSS v.23) and (AMOS v.23). For the purpose of testing research hypotheses.

The most important practical results: The results of the current study showed that there is a small interactive effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between organizational socialization and job outcomes.

 :The most important conclusions

The effect of self-efficacy as an interaction variable in the relationship between organizational socialization and functional outputs was negative, and this indicates that the greater the self-efficacy of the newcomer, the more negatively this reflected on the relationship between the organizational socialization methods that the company currently adopts and the functional outputs.

The main terms in the research: socialization – functional outputs – self-efficacy.