Evaluation of the experiences of Islamic banks in light of the integration of banking with special reference to Iraq

Master thesis advanced by

Ban Abbas Mahdi Abbas Al.Sieedy

To the council the Faculty of Administer and

Economics – University of Karbala

lt is part of a master’s degree in  economic science requirements

Supervision By

Professor. Dr. Talib Hussein Feris Al- kureti


Thestudy dealt with the phenomenon of banking integration in Islamic banks. Emphasis was placed on the experiences of some Islamic countries, and the chances of making them in Iraq.

 Drawing on the conceptual basis of the available literature, and the use of comparative descriptive analysis and statistical analysis based for research date designed for research purposes.

The analysis was used to answer the basic question of the research problem and to prove the perception presented by the research hypothesis, as has been prove in the research findings and the use of its implications for the research recommendations, and how Islamic banks in Iraq can meet the requirements of banking integration.  In addition to that, what are the main challenges and the necessary requirements, and what are the opportunities available to achieve this in the light of the experiences of banking integration in Islamic and Arab Islamic banks. So, in the light of the challenges and opportunities , and what is available from the possibility of strengthening the requirements of the integration of banking Islamic banks in Iraq and the date of the experiences of this merger of Islamic banks Arab and Islamic. With reference to the opportunities to build, a successful banking integration experiences for some Islamic banks in Iraq can be envisioned and the literature of banking integration explored and used in the study of selected experiences, requirements and opportunities for building a successful race integration experience.

As banking integration is one of the important global banking variables today, with the acceleration and frequency of financial liberalization, the central bank seeks capable of meeting the requirements of international classifications such as the Basel committee. The importance of banking integration is the result of the pooling of resources. to enhance the competitiveness of the banks, to increase the banks ‘capital’, deposits and facilities, and to improve the quality of their services