Strategic planning and its impact on job performance
Analytical study of the opinions of workers in the Cilvil Status, Directorate
Passports and residency in Diyala governorate

Presented by
Haider abdallah Mahmoud
Supervised by
Ass. Prof.
Dr Abdul Hussein Jassim Al-Asadi

The aime of this study to current study dealt with an analysis of the relationship and influence between strategic planning and job performance in the Civil Status, Passports and Residency Directorate in Diyala Governorate. The study started from a research problem represented by the weak awareness of Iraqi organizations of the importance of strategic planning. And its failure to adopt the concept of strategic planning and its application at all levels in the organization, which limits its ability to function in the organization. The study sought to achieve a set of objectives, including identifying the reality of strategic planning in the researched directorate and identifying the extent of job performance in the directorate.
In order to achieve these goals, the study adopted a hypothetical model expressing the logical relationships between the study variables. As strategic planning is considered an independent variable represented (mission, objectives, environmental analysis, strategic choice) that affects job performance, represented by (perseverance and reliability, quality of work, amount of work performed, knowledge of job requirements, employee perception of his role in my job(
For the purpose of field application of this study and testing its hypotheses, the Civil Status, Passports and Residency Directorate in Diyala Governorate was chosen as one of the Ministry of Interior joints as it is one of the directorates that provide direct service to citizens, as the study information was collected through the use of a questionnaire that was designed and distributed to a group of workers and their number (230) The study relied on a set of statistical methods in analyzing data through the use of the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) program, percentages, frequency distributions, arithmetic means, standard deviations, response level, relative importance, correlation coefficient (for Cyberman), simple regression, and variance analysis of the regression model. .
The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are (there is a positive statistically significant correlation and impact relationship between the strategic planning variable and the job performance variable. The current study came out with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is (depending on the analysis, a major role should be given to the directorate’s workers to participate in the decision-making process each). According to his responsibilities, which contributes to achieving good planning and performance that serve the directorate, achieving job satisfaction with them, and informing employees of their importance.