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The security leader’s behavior and it’s impact in achieving strategic initiatives within path-goal theory framework

The security leader’s behavior and it’s impact in achieving strategic initiatives within path-goal theory framework.

An analytical exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of employees of the Traffic Directorate in the Holy Karbala Governorate. “

 submitted to

Council of the Administration and Economics College of Karbala University as part of the requirements for

Obtaining a higher diploma equivalent to a master’s degree in strategic security planning

Submitted by 

Ali Amer Nasser

Supervised by

Professor Dr. Ahmed Kazem Briss 

The study aims to test the impact of the security leader’s behavior according to the (path-goal) theory on strategic initiatives, where the study problem were formulated with many questions centered on the nature of the relationship between the study variables, and the questions were answered through the theoretical and practical frameworks. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach, and data was collected through a sample of workers in the Traffic Directorate of the Holy Karbala Governorate, which amounted to (125) respondents, and (100) valid forms were retrieved for statistical analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis tools used ,and a  set of conclusions were reached, the most prominent of which was that the Directorate seeks to shift from traditional work to initiatives and creative innovation, which will certainly reflect on the quality of its services, and thus its continued performance in the long run, knowing that its focus in the short term is Absorbing the momentum of the auditors, and that when adopting an innovative and new work system based on strategic initiatives, it will greatly reduce the costs borne by the citizen , in addition to reducing the time for completing transactions as little as possible, that would advance and improve the reality and improve the quality of service.

Keywords: leadership according to the (path-goal) theory, strategic initiatives