The Moderator Role of The Dynamics of Organizational Power on The Relationship Between Ambidextrous Leadership Behaviors and Strategic Success
An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of officers of the Holy Karbala
Traffic Directorate
A Thesis
submitted to the Council of the College of Administration and Economics –
University of Karbala It is part of the requirements for obtaining an MBA degree
Provided by the student
Rafa Muhammad Ali al-Shammari
Supervised by
prof. Dr
Meithak Hatef AL-Fatlawy

The present study aims at testing the moderator influence of organizational
power on the relationship between ambidextrous leadership and strategic success. It
is based on a problem that includes two axes, the first one discusses the intellectual
controversy about the study variable, and the second axis addresses the problem at
the applied level that includes the most important problems diagnosed in Holy
Karbala Traffic Directorate.
A set of questions has been developed that reflect researchers perceptions of
the problem, then a set of goals that determine the nature of the scientific boundaries
of that problem, as well as a set of assumptions and dimensions to achieve these
goals have been established. In pursuit of this study, a chart including two
dimensions of ambidextrous leadership behaviors has been represented in (outward
behaviors, and inward behaviors) (Rozing, 2011) and enabling dimensions of
strategic success with (survival, adaptation, growth) and following (Al-Rikabi,
2004) as regards when organizational power is adopted as a hexa variable (formal
power, experience power, reward power, reference strength, information power,
coercive power and coercion) following (French & Ravin, 1959). Holy Karbala
Traffic Directorate has been chosen to test the hypotheses of this study through a
questionnaire prepared for this purpose, which is the study sample 107 affiliated with
the Traffic Directorate represented by (managers at all levels and some
administrative and technical officers).
The study implements a set of statistical methods, the most important of which is the
modeling of the structural equation in selecting the direct and interactive effect
between variables. The study came out with a set of conclusions, including: The
experience that leaderships possess in the directorate is important in enhancing the
capabilities of individuals in the directorate towards achieving the best levels of
work through coherent work teams and the excellence of creative individuals and
building a system of strong relationships, and those leadership behaviors were
reflected by providing advice.
The guidance for distorting individuals and enhancing their ability to produce
restrictive ideas in the directorate’s work and that the ethical and balanced behavior
that it pursues in Holy Karbala Governorate Traffic Directorate is a reflection of
individuals ’feelings that their leaders are qualified for the position as well as their
great desire to establish good relations with them on their part that contribute to
enhancing the work of the director. They consider them a reference point and they
feel confident to deal with them. The organizational power in Holy Karbala Traffic
Directorate has been strengthened, and a focus on ambidextrous leadership
behaviors for its role in increasing the directorate’s ability to cope with
environmental and competitive transformations in the long run in order to achieve
sustainability in strategic success. The leadership of Holy Karbala Traffic
Directorate is characterized by its focus on benefiting from the power of information
that it possesses, whether obtained through their career positions or when they share
it with individuals for the purpose of doing business and by adopting transparency
in providing information related to the correct form to serve individuals and the
Key Words: Ambidextrous leadership, dynamic organizational power, strategic
success, Karbala Traffic Directorate.