Critical Success Factors And Their Impact On The Effectiveness Of Making Security Decisions
(An analytical exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of leaders in the Iraqi Ministry of
A Thesis Submitted
To the Council of the Faculty of Administration and Economics
University of Kerbala
It is part of the requirements for master’s degree in science
Security strategic planning
ghssan mussa Mahmoud al ndaoui
supervised by
Assistant Professor Dr.
Hussein Hurajah Al Hasnawi


This study aims to demonstrate the impact of critical success factors represented in its dimensions (goals and strategy, organizational culture, support for senior management, information technology
infrastructure, organizational infrastructure, and human resource management) and their reflection on the effectiveness of security decision-making represented in its dimensions (decision quality, ease
Implementation of the decision, the appropriate time for decision making, and acceptance of the decision) for a sample of leaders in the Ministry of Interior (the Ministry’s Agency for Administrative and
Financial Affairs) (general managers, directorates, departments, and divisions). Based on a basic problem represented by the limited awareness of the study sample to the basics of the field relationship
between the study variables. The descriptive and analytical approach was used in collecting and interpreting information, and the size of the surveyed sample reached (180) individuals, and the questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. Pearson) and the (SEM Structural Equation Modeling) method for measuring the effect relationships between the study variables. These methods were used on analysis programs (Microsoft Excel 2010, SPSS V.25, Amos V. 23). The study came out with a set of results, the most important of which is the existence of a positive correlation between the study variables, and a positive influence relationship for the critical success factors in their dimensions in the effectiveness of security decision-making. The research also came out with some important recommendations.
Key terms: Critical Success Factors, Effectiveness of Security Decision-Making, Deputy Ministry for Administrative and Financial Affairs / Ministry of Interior