The effect of 5S methodology on improving the quality of health services (An analytical and exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of doctors and medical staff at Imam Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital in Thi-Qar)

Dr .Bushra Abdul Hamza AbbasResearcher Raad Brzan Mohammad

2020, Volume 9, Issue 35, Pages 57-79


Abstract: This research aims to study the impact of the 5S methodology as one of the important Lean production tools in achieving customer satisfaction, as health organizations, especially the researched hospital, suffer from long waiting times, wasted activities, and lack of speed in responding to customers’ requirements , It also lacks an applied methodology in its work that contributes to achieving customer satisfaction and meets their expectations and needs, and a random sample was chosen from the Imam Hussein Teaching Hospital in Thi Qar to conduct the study amounted to 130 samples to test a set of main and subsidiary hypotheses specializing in the analysis of correlation and impact relationships, where a set of statistical tools was used to analyze and process data and information using the SPSS V.26 program, the Amos V.25 program, and the research reached several conclusions, the most important of them , which is a strong correlation between the 5S methodology and the achievement of customer satisfaction, and that there is a significant impact on achieving customer satisfaction, and in the light of these conclusions a set of recommendations has been formulated, the most important of which is the need for health organizations management to implement the 5S methodology for its significant impact in reducing Wasting, reducing waiting times and speeding in responding to customers’ requirements.


Keywords: 5S methodologycustomer satisfactionquality of health service.