Use the panel data method to measure the impact of some factors on banking security )An applied study on a sample of commercial banks in Iraq(

D.Raissan A. ZalanL.Assis. Ahmed H. MohammedL. Assis. Ali A. Hassan
2020, Volume 9, Issue 35, Pages 310-341


ABSTRACT:This study aims to use the statistical analysis method to measure the effect of some factors (liquidity risk، credit risk، capital solvency risk، return on investment risk) on the degree of banking safety of some commercial banks in Iraq for the period (2007-2017). A group of the most important results of the presence of a direct impact of (bank credit risk، capital adequacy risk) on the degree of banking safety while showed the presence of the opposite effect of (liquidity risk، return on investment risk) on the degree of banking security. The study recommended the need to pay attention to and follow the behavior of the study variables and the application of the equation of assessment used in the study because of its effective role in showing the impact of the financial situation of banks on the degree of banking security، with the importance of taking the necessary measures to apply clear and specific banking and control policies to manage these risks and measure and follow up to achieve banking safety.


Keyword: Panel DataBanking SecurityFactor Impact Analysis
