The role of leadership empowerment behavior in achieving high performance An exploratory research in the leadership of the borders of the Fifth Region

Bashar Abbas.AL Himyari Dr.Turki Aziz Hammash
2020, Volume 9, Issue 34, Pages 35-61


The research sought to demonstrate the role of leadership empowerment behavior in achieving high performance , As the leadership empowerment behavior is one of the modern approaches that security organizations can adopt in facing challenges to their actions, In addition to the benefits that it achieves, such as job satisfaction and performance excellence, It also highlighted the concept of importance and dimensions of leadership empowerment behavior, as well as the concept of importance and dimensions of high performance, This research came as a result of the successes achieved by the application of leadership empowerment in other organizations. The researchers used the intentional sample to test the relationship of the impact and correlation of leadership empowerment behaviors with its dimensions of (delegating authority, being accountable, making self-directed decision, continuous improvement, sharing information, developing skills, training on creative performance), And the high performance in its dimensions represented (quality of management, openness and active direction, continuous improvement, quality of workforce), Through a questionnaire included (80), Among the officers who have administrative positions in the researched organization (the leadership of the fifth region borders), and to process the data and information collected, the researcher used a number of statistical methods, namely: the weighted arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Simple correlation coefficient,(Pearson),Multiple regression coefficient, scale (T), Coefficient of determination(R2), Scale (F), Program(SPSS). The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: Through the leadership empowerment behavior, the high performance of the leadership of the fifth region borders can be enhanced. The research made a number of recommendations. the most important of which are: the necessity of focusing the leadership of the fifth region borders on using the latest methods and training curricula for the purpose of developing the skills of workers in a manner that is compatible with accelerating technological developments.


Key words: leadership empowerment behaviorhigh performanceleadership of the fifth region borders