Analysis and measuring the effect of the size of household and Income on monthly consumption per person of some food in the province of holy karbala

Prof. Awad Kazem ShaalanResearcher / Mukhtar Hussain Musaab
2020, Volume 9, Issue 34, Pages 264-280


ABSTRCT: The research aims to conduct a standard statistical analysis to estimate the rate of monthly consumption per capita of certain food commodities in the holy province of Karbala and to study the impact of two main factors, namely income and family size on monthly consumption rates, by building a standard model to analyze the relationship between research variables, based on cross-sectional data obtained through a questionnaire prepared for research purposes, highlighting the importance of research by monitoring the level of income distribution in families seeking to satisfy their needs of different food commodities. Thus this disparity affects the rate of consumption and its nature, as the research provides us statistical indicators based on the real expenditure of the individual enables us to estimate the needs of the local market of those goods and know the amount of surplus for the purpose of developing future plans by the relevant authorities, as the results of the tests of the differences between the consumption rates of each food commodity alone according to some characteristics of the sample do not have a moral contribution to the sample attributes on the rates of individual consumption as the value of the box eta φ^2 did not exceed the average limit 0.14, this means that the characteristics of the sample, whether or not it has a moral effect on the rate of individual consumption, this effect is weak in the amount, i.e. the value of the effect is small, and the arithmetic medium has a significant role in influencing the estimated per capita consumption rate, which is represented by the fixed limit in the estimated equation and for all commodities, and the rate of individual consumption of all food commodities decreases unevenly as the number of family members increases, which is consistent with economic theory, While the rate of per capita consumption of all materials increases by increasing the number of employees in the family, which indicates the high purchasing power of the family, the coefficients of explanatory variables in all estimated equations have values of less than one, as confirmed by the results of the analysis.


Multiple Regression analysisT testF testEta squaregraphs .