The Viral marketing and its impact on increased sales of Insurance document

م. م. قاسم حميد ناصر
2020, Volume 9, Issue 33, Pages 126-154


Abstract This research highlights one of the important influences on money, namely, is viral marketing as a modern concept in the field of marketing studies and research, and in the implementation of marketing functions, directly or indirectly, in increasing the sales of insurance policies? Therefore, the research was based on the hypothesis that viral marketing components have a significant effect on the financial, economic and social performance of national insurance companies by varying the performance of viral marketing according to temporal and spatial data. By addressing the most important axes that constitute the conceptual and philosophical framework of this concept and conduct field research also through the design of a questionnaire distributed to a sample of Internet users from the staff of the universities of Babylon and Qadissiya. The research was based on analytical descriptive method. A questionnaire was developed and developed to measure the objectives of the research and test hypotheses. It consisted of two parts, the first part of which was represented in viral marketing with its indicators, the second part included insurance with its indicators, and the statistical analysis program (SPSS) The statistical package for social sciences and descriptive statistical methods to describe the research data, as well as the statistical method for the measurement of the research objectives and the hypothesis test. 50 questionnaires were distributed by 25 questionnaires distributed to Babil University staff and 25 were distributed to university employees Qadisiyah, where 48 forms were retrieved from (50) distributed forms. Therefore, the study came out with a set of conclusions. What is the connection between the concept of viral marketing and the spread of advertising messages to national insurance companies via websites. The researcher also aims to provide a number of ulcers to the National Insurance Company and the most important: the need to make the most of viral marketing as one of the most successful means of marketing through the adoption of its activities and dissemination of information about its products through the websites, which has a widespread spread.