The reality and prospects of economic events Digital tourism in Jorda (The digital tourism economy and its role in tourism development / experiences of selected countries

mhammad musa deyibsafaa abduljabbae al musawizainab abdulridhaJOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS
2019, Volume 8, Issue 29, Pages 268-296


The technological changes in the global economy are the main engine of structural and economic changes towards the digital economy. Among these, the tourism sector is one of the sectors that led the shift towards the digital tourism sector, which includes the transition from traditional tourism economic activities to digital tourism activities. Tourism and its transformation into economic tourism and digital activities, and in light of this study deals with the development in the areas of the use of digital tourism through the entry of information technology and communications to Tourism services in Jordan, and all sectors related to tourism and the extent of development that has been achieved using information and communication technology in the field of tourism services and the obstacles facing the implementation of digital tourism in Jordan from the infrastructure and human resources and the strategy of using information technology in tourism. Of all the problems found there is use and development in this area although limited but it is influential.