Role Organizational Pride in Job Engagement: The Mediating role of Organizational Affiliation Analytical Survey Study of the views of a sample of Employees of Holly Husain Shrine

Yazen Salim Mohammedrasha abbas aboodAhmed Hussein AhmedJOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS
2019, Volume 8, Issue 30, Pages 1-34


Abstract This research aims to determine the Mediating role of organizational affiliation in Relationship between role Organizational Pride and Job Engagement. Through applied in Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein. To achieve this, the dimensions of Organizational Pride (Self-pride, Comparative pride , Self-respect , Comparative respect ), versus The Job Engagement for its dimensions (Intellectual Engagement, Affective Engagement, Social Engagement ).and support this Relationship is organizational affiliation for its dimensions (Performance, Experience , over load, Distributional Justice) . A random sample was selected from employees in Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein . The simple as a field of research through a questionnaire of (42) persons correlation coefficient (Spearman) and (t) test were used to determine the significance of the correlation between the two variables, the F test to determine the significance of the regression model, R2 was also used to determine the relative amount that the independent variable contributes to the interpretation of the dependent variable and as a percentage. The most prominent conclusion reached by the researchers is the existence of an active and moral role of Organizational Pride in Job Engagement Through organizational affiliation. The research concluded with a number of recommendations, including Focus on Organizational Pride by management of Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein because generally it important factor in its work and specially in Job Engagement Key Words: Organizational Pride, organizational affiliation, Job Engagement.