Planning and rehabilitation of tourism services in the Kufa Mosque

Assistant lecture. Hussein Munaam KhalafLecture.Faisal kareem Hadi Al-ZamiliJOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS
2019, Volume 8, Issue 31, Pages 410-452


The mosque of kufa has religious and tourist importance and it’s important place for Muslims because it has temples of prophets and imams and shrines of Muslim ibn Aqeel and Hani ibn Erwa(peace on them) as well its archeological Place feature and its historical landmarks .The research came to clarify the importance of tourism the research has practical study which represented questionnaire form and analysis reality of the tourism services in mosque and the extent of their suitability of the tourist .The research problem that do tourist service in mosque of kufa subject to planning and rehabilitation that suitable development in the numbers of visitors ?The search hypothesis can be determent there are tourism services in mosque of kufa not subject to planning and rehabilitation which suitable development in the numbers of visitors.