The impact of independent financial economy on the quality of accounting information

Hana Abdullah Almuzyyini
2020, Volume 9, Issue 36, Pages 210-217


Abstract: The financial economy is becoming independent of the real economy by created financial tools such as financial derivatives meant to manage risks, can be blamed for having exacerbated it, to the extent of causing a global crisis. In light of the aforementioned, this paper examines the impact of an independent financial economy on the quality of accounting information, to improve the quality of accounting information. using the descriptive research, that because this method helps the researcher to deal with data, which has it (Greek crisis case).Where the result of this study is an independent financial economy harms the quality of accounting information that causes the financial reports have not presented all information which helps the user to make a decision. Thus the study recommends, have to be economy disclosure in the financial reports.Key words: financial crisis, financial economy, the quality of accounting information,


Key words: financial crisisfinancial economythe quality of accounting information