The impact of tourism marketing in activating tourism act (Karbala case study)

Assistant lecture. Hussein Munaam KhalafLecture.Haidar Abdui Zaid KhidrAssistant lecture.Abdui Hussian Musa Muhammad musaLecture.Faisal kareem Hadi Al-ZamiliJOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS
2019, Volume 8, Issue 32, Pages 382-409


summary The tourism marketing function carries a broader and broader concept than the activities and activities carried out by the traditional marketing department, because tourism marketing requires close cooperation between marketers and those managers responsible for operations and human resources, outlining in this research frameworks new concepts and analyzes to address and resolve marketing problems The tourist product through a comprehensive orientation towards the tourist or client of the entire organization. Therefore, the research focused on the impact of tourism marketing on tourism activity in the holy province of Karbala and Iraq in general. So came the problem of research Is tourism marketing effect in activating the tourist activity in the holy city of Karbala)). The research hypothesis (there is a significant impact relationship between the application of tourism marketing and its concepts in the establishment and tourism activity). The research dealt with three topics, the first one examined the research methodology and the study included (research problem, research hypothesis, the importance of research, research objectives, research methodology, structure of the study), the second focused on the study of marketing conceptual approach and dealt with the study of the basic special concepts of marketing in general and tourism marketing In particular, as well as studying the objectives and elements of tourism marketing, the third topic addressed the marketing aspect and its impact on tourism activity and focus on the practical side.