The effect of impression management in enhancing job engagement: Analytical study of the opinions of a sample of managers working in Ur State Company in Dhi Qar Governorate, research extracted from a master’s thesis

2018, Volume 7, Issue 27, Pages 63-98

Abstract The aim of this Research is to identify the effect of impression management on enhancing job embeddedness in UR state company in Thi- Qar Governorate and to recognize the extent of the awareness of the study society to eliminate both the management of impression and the impurity of the job and its impact on the survival of workers in their current jobs. The study draws on its importance through the treatment of new concepts in organizational behavior from a local point of view and the opening of horizons for future research that enhance behavioral values in Iraqi organizations. The main objective of the research is to measure the correlation between impression management and job embeddedness from the point of view of the research community. The research community consists of (240) of the company’s administrative leadership a sample was selected (150) managers of the company The researchers adopted the questionnaire as a data collection tool and the statistical programs (SPSS v.23) and (Amos v21) were used to process the data and Obtaining the normal distribution test, measuring the validity of the scale, measuring the mean, standard deviation, variance, and measuring stability test. One of the most important conclusions is that the impression management of the of the natural axioms of social interaction, and the value of the target of this interaction plays a prominent role in attempts the workers draw or form the desired image of others. The study ended with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the real need for more awareness and insight into the behaviors adopted by employees within the work environment (the electrical power plant) and managers to choose the approach that creates the appropriate type of positive relations between them as bosses of higher departments and the workers