The mediating role of high inclusion between the strategic contributions of human resource management and positive organizational behavior, an analysis study of the opinions of a sample of teachers of the College of Engineering / University of Al-Qadisiyah

2018, Volume 7, Issue 27, Pages 128-164


AbstractThe present research aims at identifying the role of high containment as a mediating variable between the strategic contributions of human resources management to en-hance positive organizational behavior in Al-Qadissiyah University – college of Engi-neering represented by (hope, optimism and flexibility). The research used question-naire as a main tool for data collection, when 108 copies were distributed for identifying the level of the strategic contribution of the HRM in the college (college of engineering) to enhance positive organizational behavior through high containment. The retrieved number of copies was 100. In addition, a number of statistical methods were used like mean, standard deviation, simple correlation, and multiple regressions. Results showed positive correlation as significant increase in strategic contributions of HRM in the presence of high containment was related to significant increase of positive organizational behavior. Results also show direct and indirect association between strategic contributions of human resources management and positive organizational behavior when mediated by high containment. The research also put forward a number of conclusions by which some recommendations were formulated.