Information technology capabilities and their role in enhancing organizational citizenship behavior

2018, Volume 7, Issue 28, Pages 37-60


Abstract:The current research aims to recognize on the capabilities of information technology and its role in enhancing the behavior of organizational citizenship among individuals and organizations. The survey was conducted in Rafidain Bank in Nasiriyah and a random sample of 105 employees. The survey questionnaire was used as a main tool for collecting data, which consisted of the first two axes of IT capabilities and the second of organizational citizenship behaviors. The data were analyzed through the program AMOS and SPSS, through a number of statistical methods of global empirical analysis, correlation coefficient, and path analysis. The research was based on a key hypothesis that the “relationship between the capabilities of information technology and the behavior of organizational citizenship” and the research reached a number of conclusions, includ-ing modern technologies of business intelligence, communication and cooperation sup-ports the promotion of voluntary behavior of employees contributes to the efficient per-formance of the organization , and provide them with competitive opportunities to en-courage and motivate them to work with IT in the manufacture and delivery of banking