Financial and Banking Sciences Department Bank Credit and Internal Government Debt and Their Reflection On The Financial Market Trading Indicators
Comparative applied study in Iraq and Jordan for the period (2012-2016)
A thesis submitted to the council of the college Administration
and economics university of Kerbala, As a partial fulfillment of
the requirements to obtain master Degree in the financial and
banking sciences .
Hussain Ahmed Jawad Al-Safi
Under The Supervision:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Haidar Yunis Khadem Al- Musawi

Abstract Financial markets can be considered as basic pillars for the development of economic life. They activate the national economy because they are important in mobilizing national savings and guiding them in investment fields that support the national economy that leads to increasing the welfare of citizens. The importance of the study comes from the rapid and successive developments that the international financial markets achieved, which called for the need to keep cope with these developments by conducting accurate scientific studies on the reality of financial markets in developing countries in general and Arab countries in particular and identifying some economic variables that affect the performance and development of financial markets. As the financial markets in developing countries suffer from a great delay compared to the developed countries, it is necessary to find ways and means to help these markets to cope with developments Financial markets in these countries suffer from a clear weakness in their the international financial markets. performance and in their association with other markets. As well as the extent of their impact and effect on the various variables of the economy, which reflects the magnitude of the desired impact on the processes of advancement and reform in various financial and economic conditions. From this point of view, this study aims at clarifying and revealing the effects of changes in both the bank eredit and the internal government debt as independent variables on the financial market trading indicators (market value, trading volume and general index) as dependent variables. In order to determine the relationship between the effect and the correlation of the independent variables in the dependent variables, simple lincar regression analysis was used. Based on the monthly data of the sturdv.variahles in a sammnle.of develoning coumtries (Trag and lordan.