The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Achieving Stability of Exchange Rates in Iraq For the Period from 2004-2021
A Thesis submitted by the Student
Salah Salman Jabr Al-Husseini
To The Council of Administration and Economics College
University of Karbala
As partial Fulfillmen of the Requirwments For The Degree of Master of Science in Economics
ASSIS. Professor. Dr Kazem Saad Al-Araji
The exchange rate constitutes a basis in commercial and financial transactions between countries and in meeting the needs of local and international dealings in foreign currencies, which has direct and indirect effects on many macroeconomic variables The exchange rate expresses the relative price of the local currency measured in the foreign currency. As many countries care about the stability of the exchange rate a great interest within their monetary policies. And the extent of the effectiveness of this policy in achieving stability of exchange rates. And the extent of its ability to adhere to the main goals, including the goal of stability. The research problem came to be embodied in the following questions Is the monetary policy in Iraq effective in achieving stability of exchange rates in Iraq And the extent to which monetary policy can achieve this stability. While the goal of the research was to identify the course of monetary policy in Iraq and the course of the exchange rate towards stability, the hypothesis of the research came in the form of an answer to the questions of the problem, namely (that monetary policy is effective in achieving stability in exchange rates and the possibility of controlling foreign exchange according to what is appropriate with the economic situation in which country passes through In order to reach the goal of the research and verify the hypothesis, the research was divided into three chapters The third chapter came in the form of a standard model to verify the effectiveness of monetary policy and concluded the research with a number of conclusions and recommendations