Quality of Work Life as a mediator variable between inclusive leadership behaviors and Psychological flourishing under the moderator role of spiritual well-being
Analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees of the General Directorate of Education in Babylon Governorate
Thesis Submitted
To the Board of the College of Administration and Economics / University of Karbala
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the PH.D. Degree In Business Administration
Essam Aliwi Al-Obeidi
Asst. Prof. Dr . Sahar Abbas Hussein
Prof.Dr. Miethak Hatef AlFatlwy

This research aims to determining the nature of the relationship between inclusive leadership behaviors, spiritual well-being, Quality of Work Life, and Psychological flourishing for a sample of individuals working in the General Directorate of Education in Babylon Governorate and its departments. Using the stratified random sampling method, 415 questionnaires were distributed to individuals working in the organization under study, and the number of retrieved questionnaires was (364), with a response rate of (88%), and the number of questionnaires valid for statistical analysis reached (304) questionnaires at a rate of (84%). As the presentation of previous literature showed the existence of a knowledge gap to explain the nature of the relationship between the study variables in organizations in general and in the organization under study in particular, The results also showed a correlation and influence between the study variables, and because of the scarcity of studies that sought to know the nature of the relationship between (inclusive leadership behaviors, spiritual well-being, Quality of Work Life, and Psychological flourishing), The current study came to address a realistic problem that directly affects the organizational environment of a sample of individuals working in the General Directorate of Education in Babylon Governorate. Note that the problem of the study was launched from the contemporary educational reality, which did not achieve the aspirations sought by the educational leaders despite the exertion of many scientific efforts that could enhance their distinguished performance in order to reach the highest levels of progress and progress.
Key Words: inclusive leadership behaviors, spiritual well-being, Quality of Work Life, and Psychological flourishing, General Directorate of Education in Babylon Governorate