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High Containment Management Practices and their impact on Enhancing Human Resource Capabilities

High Containment Management Practices and their impact on Enhancing Human Resource Capabilities

An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees of Al- Furat State Company for Chemical and Pesticides Industries.

Master’s thesis submitted to the Council of the College of Business and Economics at the University of Karbala and is part of the requirements for obtaining a master’s degree in Business Administration

Provided by the student

   Sahar Abbas Kazem Al-Dujaili

Supervised by

Assistant Prof Dr. Saleh Mahdi Mohammed Al-Hasnawi

The study, the subject of the research, aims to test the impact of high inclusion management practices as an independent variable with its dimensions (empowerment, information sharing, development practices, rewards), and the dependent variable has been adopted for human resource capabilities with its dimensions (knowledge level, skill level, attitude level, practice level). Al-Furat State Company for Chemical Industries and Pesticides was chosen in Babylon Governorate to test the hypotheses of this study by means of a questionnaire prepared for this purpose. The intellectual description that describes a reality in which (the practices of high containment management and their impact on enhancing human resource capabilities) are integrated, and the problem has been formulated between (the application of the dimensions of high containment management in the researched company from the point of view of the study sample?), and the importance of the study was manifested in its study of the industrial sector, which It is considered one of the important sectors because of its impact on the economic, social and environmental aspects of the country, as well as its impact on other aspects. A number of statistical methods were used, the most important of which is structural equation modeling in testing the direct impact between variables. The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the presence of A significant impact relationship between high inclusion management and human resource capabilities. The study recommended a number of recommendations, the most important of which are empowering employees Relying on their job roles and their development suggestions to improve work, sharing information, cooperating in the implementation of work and seeking to develop and reward them can positively affect the improvement of their abilities, knowledge and personal skills, and the establishment of human resources capabilities contributes to the establishment of a positive psychological contract for human resources.