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The Role of Personality in Managerial Empowerment

The Role of Personality in managerial Empowerment
An analytical research to sample opinions of Employees in Al-Musayyib Education Directorate Babylon Governorate
Presented to
The college of Business and Economics as part of the requirement for obtaining a high diploma degree in projects management
Fauzi Kareem Obaees
Dr. Assist. Prof. Yazin Salim Muhammed

This research to determine Role of Personality in administrative empowerment through applied in Al-Musayyib Education directorate, In order to achieve this are approved personality dimensions (Openness, Meeting, Conscience, consistence, disturbance) versus administrative empowerment to his dimensions (devolving authority, work team, incentives, training, effective communication). Random samples selected involved all the employees in Al-Musayyib education directorate through questionnaire involved (118) individuals. Simples correlation coefficient (spearman), (T) test used to know significant of correlation relationship between the variables, (F) test to determine significant of regression model, Also (R2) used to determine relative magnitude contribute to independent variable in interpretation dependent variable as percentage. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most prominent of which is existence significant effect relationship to personality in administrative empowerment.
The research concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is focus on personality by management of Al-Musayyib education directorate because it important factor in his work in generally and in administrative empowerment in specially.
Keyword:Personality  ,Mamagcrial ,Empowerment