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Role of Smart Maintenance in Improving Industrial Performance Through Knowledge Management Processes

Role of Smart Maintenance in Improving Industrial Performance Through Knowledge Management Processes
A Thesis
submitted to the Council of the College of Administration and Economics – University of Karbala It is part of the requirements for obtaining an MBA degree
Provided by the student
Basil Jabbar Ajeel
Supervised by
prof. Dr Mahmoud Fahad Abd Ali


The study aims to define the role that smart maintenance will play in its dimensions (data-based decision-making, human capital resources, internal integration, external integration) in improving and enhancing industrial performance in its dimensions (profitability, technological progress, production efficiency) and that through the mediating role For knowledge management processes in its dimensions (knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge distribution, knowledge application) in increasing the impact of the smart maintenance variable, and through research and investigation to determine the problem, the researcher reached its identification in Ibn Majed General Company for Heavy Engineering Industries and was able to apply the study in it In practice, and theoretically, previous studies were referred to in order to supplement the study with data and information, and in order to achieve this, the researcher used the questionnaire form to collect data and information from the study sample amounting to (236) representing the study population of (734) where it was processed and Statistically analyzing them, and testing the hypotheses of the study according to statistical programs represented by ((Spss, v.23 and (Amos, v.23)), and given the great importance of this study, which deals with the technical side of the equipment And machinery for manufacturing companies, which is the maintenance aspect because it plays an important role in reducing wasted time due to stoppages and what is reflected in cost, profit, productivity, safety of continuing work, and so on, and the study reached conclusions that state that there is a strong positive correlation between smart maintenance And the industrial performance reflects the extent of the availability of smart maintenance, which indicates a strong direct reflection of the emergence of industrial performance in Ibn Majed General Company for Heavy Engineering Industries Study sample, the presence of a partial indirect effect of knowledge management processes on the relationship between smart maintenance and industrial performance, and this means that the variable management Knowledge partially mediates the relationship between the smart maintenance variable and the industrial performance variable

Key words : smart maintenance, artificial intelligence, knowledge management processes, industrial performance, Ibn Majed State Company for Heavy Engineering