The reality of applying the practices of general competitive strategies in the Iraqi hotel sector Applied study on sample of hotel in the cities Baghdad and Karbala

Hussien madlum abassHussein Munaam KhalafJOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS
2019, Volume 8, Issue 30, Pages 380-402


Porter’s strategies remain one of the most widely accepted strategic choices in the business management literature and a sample of 223 management leaders in the Iraqi hotel industry in two Iraqi cities, Baghdad and Karbala, where the hotel industry is booming compared to other Iraqi cities around the reality of applying the strategic practices of Before them and their impact in achieving general competitive strategies. The study found that the level of implementation of strategic practices is high in Iraqi hotels. There was a significant correlation between these practices and the achievement of competitive strategies. The practices associated with the cost-management strategy are the most influential practices at the level of this study in Iraqi hotels