Economic  growth effect measurement  over employment  in Iraq for (1990-2013)

thesis submitted to the council of the college of Administration and Economics University of Karbala is partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master in Science of Economics


Fatima Turky Neamah  Mousaa

Supervised By

sistant Prof.Dr. Raheem kadim Hassan Alsharia  

  This thesis depend  upon  hypothesis ,refer that the effect of economic growth in Iraq is limited upon the incremental of employment in Iraq. because the Iraq economy is rental economy depend on the oil sector , which is contain the high percentage of the national product in Iraq.

  Also, the oil sector depend on high technology. So that, the percentage of the employment  is very low.

  In addition , we saw from the research average of the increase in the total national product refer to increase in the general expenditure, through the  increasing in the investment expenditure , which is effect the levels of employment in all the economic sectors .   So the national product depend  upon the oil sector . therefore , ther is a low dependent between the increase in the national product and the employment in Iraq. Finally , as aresult of this study , we refer that the Iraq economy must be depend upon the industrial and agricultural  sectors, because the capacity of this sectors is very high.سiculturalnd ag refer that the  l ex pend rage of  .